How to Parent Well with God’s Help When Life is Stressful

Jesus on the trampoline screaming for the whole neighborhood to hear. Jesus running into the house with sticky hands. Jesus dropping socks and shoes and articles of clothing down the hallway. Jesus leaving the seat up. Jesus trying to learn subtraction. Jesus sounding out his words.

What if we were quarantined with Jesus? How would we care for him?

This question struck me today during my time with God. As I put my earplugs in to block out the noise coming from my kids and my husband, I came upon this verse in Luke 9:48 where Jesus is talking to his disciples:

“Anyone who takes care of a little child like this is caring for me! And whoever cares for me is caring for God who sent me. Your care for others is the measure of your greatness.”

It’s one that I’ve read many times before, but it hit me again today in a new way. Whoever cares for a little child…is caring for God.

The world is in disorder. People are afraid and sad and stressed. Some are dying. The fortunate ones are at home, but everyone is feeling some ripple effect from what’s happening in the world right now. Have we found our peace?

Rescue Me from Myself

In the midst of it all, I have found patience lacking at times. I don’t want to feel condemned, but I do feel pain because I’ve missed the mark (again). This impatience is selfish and it hurts my family. And it hurts me. And it hurts God. If Jesus were trying to remember the capital of the Czech Republic, would I get irritated with him? He was once a child too.

Paul Trip was quoted saying, “When you are frustrated, mad, or discouraged, bitter, joyless, or irritated as a parent, you don’t so much need to be rescued from your children- you need to be rescued from you.”

I need to be rescued from me. And Jesus has set us free from these sins that weigh us down. I am no longer shackled to responding sinfully when I am irritated. I was not made to be impatient. How to walk it out?

It helps if I take time to identify what is really causing the irritation- why am I impatient with my kids? Oftentimes, I’m afraid of something. (And there’s much to be afraid of right now.) I am living out of a lie that says that I’m in this on my own. That God isn’t going to take care of me or us when/if things fall apart.

I need to hear the truth again- I’m not an orphan. I’m God’s child. He’s got it all in his hands. I need comfort from the Holy Spirit. I tell him that it’s tough, that I feel afraid, that I’m not sure what to do. I ask for his help. I remind myself of a verse that promises me he will help me.

Other times though, I’m just putting my own selfish desires above the needs of others. I want to get back to my social media scroll and so I pressure my kids to hurry and finish up whatever it is they are working on.

Of course, we all need downtime, but am I willing to put aside my own pleasure for the sake of another? My friend posted a quote yesterday that went something like this:

Who we are when we are interrupted reveals who we really are. Kind of like who we are when put under pressure reveals what’s really in our hearts. Yikes.

Jesus, Take the Wheel

I need God’s help. My prayer is that he would use this time when the pressure is on to burn away more of the impurities that I cling to. I want to be the kind of mom who responds with kindness (and boundaries when needed) when I am under pressure rather than a sharp tone and a semi-meltdown.

This morning before school started, I asked the kids to pray with me. Pray that God would help us to homeschool well. That he would help us learn the technology. That he would give us wisdom and patience. Today went much smoother than yesterday.

How would we parent if Jesus was our child? How would we talk to him, discipline him, encourage him? How would we play with him? How would we make room for his mess in our lives in the same way that he has made room for ours?

Life is stretching right now, but I pray we don’t miss this time to turn to God and experience him in even greater ways. I, for one, don’t want to have to go around this mountain another time. I hope that this season is used to bring me closer to my Savior and who I am truly meant to be.

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