What to Bring When Traveling with Kids from Babies, Toddlers, to Bigs by Plane or Car

We have a traveled a lot with our kids, at every age and stage! When they were babies and toddlers, we lived in Asia, so we traveled by plane to visit our families in the US and New Zealand. Now that they are a little older and we live in America again, we travel mostly […]

Forgiveness as an Act of Faith

In Luke 17, we find a well-known passage about forgiveness. Jesus is basically telling his disciples that no matter how many times a person sins against them, they need to forgive every time. The disciples responded in awe and exclaimed, “Increase our faith!” I’ve grown accustomed to reading their response, but really Jesus’ command was […]

Free, Christian Videos for Kids on Youtube

I do try to limit the amount of time my kids spend in front of a screen, but sometimes it just can’t be avoided (and sometimes it’s for our own mental health!) Here are some free, Christian videos on Youtube for when you or your child needs a break! Videos on YouTube: 2 Fish Talks […]

Free, Christian Apps for Kids

We traveled a lot when our kids were little. I was always on the lookout for Christian apps that they could interact with. Here’s a list of some of our favorite FREE ones: Free Apps: Bible for Kids (The Bible App)  This is probably one of my kids’ favorites and a helpful one for non or pre-readers. […]

Inspiration: An Overlooked Ingredient for Transformation

I love Jesus, but I’m still mean sometimes. Why hasn’t grace been enough to change me? If I’m a new creation, why do I still act like my old self? None of the self-help tips are working to make me nicer. The house is a mess. (I mean a REAL mess. For reasons I will […]


Weenie Faith: How God Can Use Wimps to Conquer Giants If you’re up against a mountain that you feel inadequate to move, Weenie Faith is a breath of fresh air! Here’s what readers had to say: “I really enjoyed this book! The author combines clear, biblical truth with personal testimonies and examples that truly touched […]

Help for Christians Who Feel Afraid

(This post is an excerpt from my new book, Weenie Faith, available now on Amazon.) Fear is an emotional response. When faced with an intense emotion, I find it helpful to try to switch on the logical part of my brain. Dictionary definitions can do just that. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant often […]