Guide for Reflection and Vison on New Year’s Word and Resolutions with God

I’ve always loved New Year’s Resolutions. Even as a kid, I would write down my goals for the coming year. As I’ve grown up, that new year wonder still hits me, but rather than writing a list of goals that I can’t keep, I like to take time to reflect on the past year and walk through the potential of the new year with God. This workbook is meant to be an aide to doing just that. I’ve just made it available for everyone on Amazon.

Click here to get your copy now!

I would recommend that you glance over the entire guide so as to get an idea of the overall picture before you begin. End with asking God for your word or verse for the year. Two of the sections are broken down into personal, professional, relational, and practical areas with awareness that we are mind, body, soul, and spirit. Personalcharacter, exercise, knowledge, food, quiet times, etc. Professionalwork atmosphere, skills, conflict resolution, work/life balance, goals. Relationalfamily life, friends, marriage, extended family, church, neighbors. Practicalall things home, car, vacation, clothes, budget, etc. Some of the areas might overlap and that’s fine! Use this guide in whichever way works best for you.

The idea is to grow, not to be perfect. Sometimes growth comes in accomplishment and sometimes in learning through our mistakes. If specific goals are motivating for you, then by all means, continue on! I personally find it helpful to give myself “goals without boundaries.” For instance, instead of saying, “I will read two books every month,” I say, “I hope to read more this year.”

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain,” Psalm 17:1. Let’s build the blueprints for our new year together with him!

Click here to get your copy now!

If you’d like to grow in hearing God’s voice in the new year, please download my free book, 7 Biblical Ways to Hear God’s Voice.

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