Online Course on Learning to Hear God’s Voice

  • Have you ever wondered if there is something more to your walk with God? Like something is missing?
  • Did you ever wish that you could know God’s direction for your life and future?
  • Have you ever hoped to hear from God in detail (like they did in the Bible)?

These were the questions I asked, over 16 years ago when I started on this journey of learning to hear God’s voice.  And I am happy to tell you, the answer is, “YES!”

  • Yes, there is more.
  • Yes, you can know God’s direction for your life.
  • And yes, you can hear from God in detail like they did in the Bible!

As an ordained minister and former missionary, I’ve been involved in teaching people from many nations how to hear God’s voice for over a decade.  I really love helping people get to know their heavenly Father.  And I’ve put together a video course that will teach you how to hear from God personally.

What you’ll learn in this course:

*Practical, specific steps to take to begin (or grow in) hearing God’s voice.

*Proven, Biblical ways that show how God can speak to you.

*Hindrances to hearing from God.

*How to know if it’s God speaking to us or not.

*Biblical examples that clearly how show God wants to talk to you.

*Multiple personal examples that will give you insight into the ways God can daily speak to us.

What you’ll get with this course:

*5 quality videos that will walk you through Biblical principles and steps to hearing from God.

*My book, Seven Biblical Ways to Hear God’s Voice.

*Printable workbook to help you take-in and personalize the process.

*Practical activation points to help you hear from God more clearly.

*Access to my personal email so that you can ask questions and get prayer!

You will have unlimited access to all of the materials included, so you can go at your own pace!

Get this special price offered to my readers now for only $9.99

*Your full video course will be sent to the email used during checkout!

*This course is normally $20 on Udemy, but I am currently offering it my readers for $9.99. If you prefer to purchase it through Udemy or would like to check out the reviews there, please click here.

My husband and I have been in missions/non-profit work since 2003. We have trained people from many countries on how to know and grow in God, especially countries that have very little access to any Biblical teaching at all. So by purchasing this course, you are sowing into our ministry. If for some reason you are unable to afford this price, please contact me!

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