Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Lent Devotional and Journal

I received a copy of this lovely little book, Journey to the Cross by the (in)courage community in exchange for an honest review on my blog.

First of all, this book is so pretty. It’s full of beautiful illustrations that I want to hang on my wall during the Easter season. Pictures of the empty tomb and white lilies. The hardcover edition would make a great gift book.

Also, it’s actually a really sweet little devotional. It’s easy to read, taking less than 5 minutes a day. It’s full of topics that will point you back to what Jesus did during his life, death, and resurrection as well as how you can respond. It includes Scriptures to meditate on, questions with journaling spaces, and interesting stories that help to illustrate the point that the author is making.

If you are looking for a light devotional during Lent or just in the days leading up to Easter, I would recommend Journey to the Cross. You can check it out here.

*This post may contain affiliate links, meaning that I receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you do decide to buy one of these products, but I only recommend what I like!

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