Recently, I’ve journeyed stumbled into the world of blogging! Within this world, I’ve been introduced to what is known as a blog party! A blog party (or link-up) is basically an online place where lots of bloggers come together to link up their latest or featured posts. It’s a way to get your voice out […]
Author: Brooke
Is Your Anger Rooted in Unbelief?
God called Moses the most humble man on earth, but he was barred from entering the Promised Land because of his anger unbelief. In Numbers 20, we read the story of God providing water for the Israelites from a rock. Moses was directed by God to speak to the rock and water would come forth. […]
Giving Honor Where Honor is Un-due
Honor: it’s a topic that I’ve been pondering as of late. Maybe it’s because I spent the last 10 years of my life in Asia, where honor is a value that is worked out daily in human interactions. Or maybe it’s because the presidential elections are nearing (though they are still months away!) Or maybe it’s because […]
True Disciples are Tired of Introspection (Part 2 of 4)
*Guest post series on discipleship from my husband, Richard Grangaard. You can check out part 1 here!* I am an extremely visual person. If I don’t see it, it typically doesn’t exist to me. That’s why clutter in the eyes of my wife may in fact make perfect sense in my mind. Taping words to our […]
Money Troubles? Try Giving.
Give money away?! Really? That’s the best way to see more income? Before you run away in horror, just read one more paragraph (okay, two): The universe runs according to laws. The law of gravity. The law of cause and effect. The law of thermodynamics. Whether you believe in these laws or not, doesn’t matter. […]
A Simple Cure for Worry
I’m reading this amazing little book written at the turn of the century. David Wilkerson discovered it and re-published it. The title is God’s Cure for Worry. One line really caught my attention today. I think it was a Holy Spirit moment: “Do not worry about worrying.” I cannot make myself worry less by trying […]
Power to Become A True Disciple (Part 1 of 4)
*Guest post from my husband Richard Grangaard!* “Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them He said: ‘If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and […]
Protecting our Boys from Male Stereotypes
We have many unspoken stereotypes for those of the male gender, and sadly in the Church as well. And I get it. I grew up around terms like “he’s all boy” or “he’s a boy’s boy”. And though I appreciate the sentiment, I’ve weaned them from my conversations. I used to think nothing of these […]
The Danger of Saving the World on Your Own
If Moses were alive today, he might possibly be some type of hipster activist. He was a go-getter. He cared about injustice, and he was willing to do something about it, put his neck on the line. The Egyptians were cruelly oppressing his people, the Israelites, so Moses stepped in and defended one of his […]
If the World Were a Village of 100 People
One of my favorite ways to share statistics with people about the state of the world is to use the “If the World Were a Village of 100 People” analogy. It was first created in 1990 by Donella Meadows. Basically, it takes some of the world’s most recognized statistics and breaks them down into […]