Why Millenials Are Leaving the Church

This question has been heavy on my heart for awhile now, so when I saw that Tyndale was offering the book, Abandoned Faith* in return for a review on my blog, I was happy to get it!  It is incredibly insightful.  The authors of the book have spent extensive time with both the up and coming generation and their parents.  They offer real answers that can be painful to read because of their truth, but they also offer much grace and hope for the future.

We are living in the largest Biblically-illiterate generation ever in the US.  Millenials are walking away from the church and from their faith in record numbers.  Though Christianity is still marked as the largest religion in America, the non-religious is now the second largest group.

These statistics need to make us take a close look at what is happening in our society and drive us to our knees in prayer for our young people.

This young generation cares a lot about what Jesus cared about: social justice issues, caring for the poor, equality for all people.  And they tend to be wildly aware of any hypocrisy.  Many were raised in homes where God was something done on Sundays only and didn’t pertain to the rest of their lives, so they left.

I would highly recommend this book.  It brings some real insight and helpful advice for those who have wondered why this shift is taking place, yet does so without blame-shifting or shaming.

This book is not just for millennials, or parents of millennials, or even pastors of millennials.  It is a book that we all should read because these young people are the future of our country.  They are leading now and will continue to take more and more positions of influence.  They need our prayers and our support!

If you’d like to read more, you can check it out here.

*As an amazon associate, I receive a small commission (at no extra charge to you) if you buy a produce through this link.  It’s just one way we try to support our non-profit missions work! Thanks!SaveSave

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