Why Christians Need to Know About Modern-Day Fascism

Fascism can be defined as a group or movement that exalts it’s own ideas above all others.  It is marked by a strong desire for control and zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees. Why are we talking about fascism on this Christian living blog?  Because God is not a fascist.  If we are to represent Him […]

Five Reasons You Might be Discontent and When It’s Okay (Part 2)

We all know that we should have godly discontent towards ungodly things.  We should feel a drive to see poverty end, to see orphans adopted, to see corruption uprooted from political systems. We should want our lives to count for something.  It’s okay to want to do more and to want to be more.  We were made for Eden.  We were […]

When it’s Okay to Be Discontent, Driven, and Complain

Discontent.  Drivenness.  Complaint.  These are usually negative words.  And rightfully so. But sometimes these words get a bad rap, especially in Christian circles. I recently wrote a post about the advantage of living with God’s vision.  A reader commented that the line between growth and contentment can be blurry.  I thought it was a very insightful […]