Maybe my new year’s resolution should be this: stop trying to so hard.
I’ve always leaned towards over-achievement. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I really like doing things well. I used to be fairly good at it until I had kids! LOL! But I still like it.
I was always very intrinsically motivated as a child to do well in school, get good grades. I didn’t do it for a reward or to be better than others; I just really enjoyed accomplishing a task.
My number one strength on the Strength Finders is “Responsibility”. That about sums it up. Whatever I take on (and even some tasks that I don’t), I feel very motivated to see to completion. This is not a strength that I would wish upon others, though it does get stuff done.
The problem is that this type of internal wiring can transfer over to my relationship with Jesus. I can be lured into thinking that if I just try hard enough, I can be more loving and more patient and less afraid. It’s taken me about 1/3 of a century to realize that, in fact, I cannot.
I can fake it for awhile, but I can not produce these character traits on my own. At least, not really. I can adjust some habits. Humanistic training has told me that I can better myself to a degree, but it’s not real. It’s not the kind of Velveteen Rabbit change. The kind of transformation that takes what is not and turns into something real.
I need to stop trying so hard to be good.
On my own, I am not good.
Jesus came to give me NEW life. A NEW heart. A NEW person. A NEW creation.
His Spirit put on my body and wants to walk around in it and talk through it.
I don’t have to try to be good because I am good now. He is good, and now I’m one with Him. Sound mysterious? It is. Even more mysterious than a man and woman coming together and making a human. (Have you ever thought about how incredible and bizarre that is?!)
And the New Testament totally backs me up on this.
When I’m instructed to strive in the Bible, the striving is to stay in a place of rest (Hebrews), of dependency upon the Spirit. To walk in step with Him. To allow Him to move and motivate and give utterance.
What was the difference between the cowardly disciples who deserted Jesus at His time of greatest need and the terrifyingly bold disciples who withstood beatings and martyrdom? The HOLY SPIRIT. He was THE. ONLY. DIFFERENCE.
Walking with God in flesh, seeing him crucified and come back to life wasn’t enough. Even as Jesus was giving them the Great Commission, some were still doubting (Matthew 28:17). What changed?
The Holy Spirit.
When He came on them in the upper room, He gave them a boldness that they had not previously possessed. In fact, they could not have previously been that bold because they did not have the Spirit of God. That’s why Jesus said that it was better that he went away so that they could receive the Holy Spirit.
No longer is Jesus limited to just one body. Now He can be with all of us at all times, within us. We never have to worry that the storm will drown out His voice, because His voice is coming from within!! Closer than any other person could ever be. The Holy Spirit is to be our best friend.
I love Him. I can’t imagine my life without Him. He gives me wisdom, perspective, help, deep comfort, understanding, kind words. He reveals to me who Jesus is. He opens my eyes to see more of God so that I can worship Him as I should. He teaches me what to avoid and what to give myself to. He explains His book to me (you know, the Bible- He wrote it.)
Joyful, uninhibited, carefree, a little crazy. Sound like a drunk person? Actually, that’s what walking with the Spirit is supposed to look like. That’s what the Bible compares it to (Ephesians 5).
Real joy. Real affection for others. Real boldness. Real love. Real freedom from “doing the right thing.” The rules are out. Being led by the Spirit is in. That’s why two people being led by the Spirit can do the exact same thing with only one of the sinning while the other is not. Sound radical? It is. That’s the point.
There’s so much more I could say, but I will stop here. If you know Him, you love Him. If you don’t know Him, I would encourage you to seek Him out. He’s promised to anyone who wants Him (Luke 11).
You can also get my free e-book, 7 Biblical Ways to Hear God’s Voice. Learning how to hear and identify God’s voice in my life revolutionized my walk with Him. I sincerely hope it does the same for you!