Awesome List of FREE Christian Videos & Apps for Kids

I’m always looking for good shows for my kids to watch and apps for them to interact with.  And we have done a lot of traveling in the few short years that they have been alive.  Here’s a list of some of our favorite FREE ones:

Videos on YouTube:

2 Fish Talks I’ve started this channel, and so far, my kids listen to me better when I’m on a screen!  I will be uploading daily Bible readings for both toddlers and elementary age kids (One Year Bible for Children). The videos are only 2-minutes each to help busy parents get their kids in the Word.  Launch date is September 12, but there’s about 20 videos up now if you’d like to have a look!

Beginner’s Bible  Probably one of our house favorites.  Slow-paced enough that the younger kids can hang with it, and there’s lots of different stories to choose from.  Expands on what’s actually in Scripture to fill each story out to about 25 minutes, but I feel it’s still a pretty good representation.

Holy Tales Short 5-minute videos that cover lots of stories in the Bible.  Narrated by little green worms who speak with a cool Indian accent.

Bible for Kids  This channel has a list of many different Bible stories as well.  We have only watched one or two as they seem designed for older kids.

Listener Kids  Precious little music videos set to children’s praise and worship songs.  They are really cute.  My daughter likes these, and she is 2 1/2.

Legos Bible Stories  I’m linking you to one channel, but if you just search on YouTube for “Lego Bible Stories,” you’ll see various ones pop up.  Most are clearly home-made, but my son is really into Legos at the moment, so they definitely capture his attention.  And even if your kids are not Lego fans, “Jesus, You’re My Superhero” done with Lego guys is genius!

MyPlaceWithJesus  Short devotionals for elementary school-aged children with Christian themes.  Each around 3 minutes long.

NTKids  Spanish channel!  Bibles stories and Christian-based values taught in Spanish for kids.

WatersEdge with Beverly Wilson– She has just started uploading videos, but they she tells Bible stories and helps kids apply them to their real lives.

Psalty the Singing Songbook  Anyone else grow up with Psalty?  Well, he’s on YouTube! This link will take you to a playlist of his songs, but if you search for Psalty on the site, you’ll get some of his actual videos as well!  Old-school Christian videos.

Original Superbook  These are the Superbook episodes that my brother and I watched in the 80s.  Classic Japanese animation.  CBN has re-done them, but the originals are on YouTube.  Join Chris and Joy as they travel through time to meet Bible characters.

Berenstain Bears  Lots of great values taught through the bear family and really keeps my kids engaged.  Some episodes a bit too mature for very little ones, but I love this series!

Animated Heroes (Bible and other Historical figures)  I just found this list and haven’t previewed them yet, but they look like a great addition to introduce children to historical Christian figures that had an impact on our nation and on the world.

Christian Toddler Songs  Playlist of Christian songs for your little one.

Preschool Praise  Playlist of great praise songs for the preschool age.

Popular Videos- Hillsong Kids  Playlist of 200 praise and worship songs for kids (that should occupy them for awhile!!)

Prince of Egypt  This is the movie broken down into 3-4 minute parts but run together as a playlist.  My kids have seen some of the scenes, but some parts would be too intense for little, little ones.  Great movie though!

Joseph King of Dreams  Soundtrack from the actual movie.  A nice way to fill Joseph’s story out for kids.

Free Apps:

Bible for Kids (The Bible App)  This is probably one of my kids’ favorites and a helpful one for non or pre-readers.  There are various Bibles stories that you (the parent) can download for free.  Once they are downloaded, children can select which one they want to listen to and interact with the pictures as the stories are being read.

SuperBook Kids Bible App  My kids are a little young for this app.  We do watch some of the Superbook stories, but a there’s some that are too intense for very young ones, in my opinion.  However, this free app complements the stories well.

Bible Coloring Book  Kids can color in pictures from the Bible.  Pretty straight-forward.  Only for i-phones/pads.

Adventure Bible Memory Game (Lite)  This ones is for kids a bit older as well.  Various activities to complement the Adventure Bible or stand alone.

4 Soils– This site has about 20 apps for kids.  I’ve recommended a few here, but there’s others to check out as well!
  • Kids Bible: Daniel (Kingdom Media LLC)  This one tells the story of Daniel and has some cute little games and songs and puzzles on it as well.
  • Kids Bible: Joseph (Kingdom Media LLC) Same as Daniel except with Joseph.  ðŸ™‚
  • Sproutville This fun little app has a “Sprout” that kids can design (similar to MyBoo).  There are interactive games and activities as well that revolve around Bible stories.
  • Bible Songs (4Soils) These songs are a little funny to me, but the kids like them.  First, they choose which Bible hero they want to operate, and then they choose from a playlist of songs that the hero will sing and dance to.
  • Life of Jesus Miracles  Parents can download the stories (for free) that track Jesus’ journeys here on earth, from His birth to the cross and resurrection.

Bible Match  A simple little Memory-like game.  Kids try to find matching Bible pictures hidden under scrolls.

ABCJesusLovesMe FREE curriculum for 1-5 year olds.  This was helpful when we were living overseas because we had such little access to anything else.  And it’s still helpful now because it’s free!

You might also like my post: Our Favorite Bibles for Kids of Every Age: Toddler, Preschool, Elementary.

If you’d like more Christian-living resources, you can follow me on Pinterest.  I’m always on that site!

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