Maybe my new year’s resolution should be this: stop trying to so hard. I’ve always leaned towards over-achievement. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I really like doing things well. I used to be fairly good at it until I had kids! LOL! But I still like it. I was always very intrinsically motivated […]
Author: Brooke
60 Days of Happiness
I chose the book 60 Days of Happiness* as a gift from Tyndale in exchange for a review on my site, and I am so HAPPY that I did! (Which is good because the book is all about happiness!!) I don’t need to write much about Randy Alcorn, the author. He is a New York […]
Are You Hurting God’s Feelings?
Sometimes we can forget that God has feelings too. We are made in His image. We have emotions because He first had them. He can feel joy and gratitude, sadness and anger, pain and remorse. He is the Author of humor. He is the original Artist. He loves music and beauty. He is orderly and […]
Why I Stopped Using Bible Study Methods
Before I get into it, let me just say that I am definitely not opposed to studying the Bible. God’s precious Word should be studied and examined so that we can know Him and follow in His ways. He is worthy of our diligence, and we can learn the way to live. But I had […]
Christmas-Themed Gifts for Kids that Keep Jesus as the Focus
One of my favorite Christmas songs growing up was “Happy Birthday, Jesus,” and in fact, it still is. I love the lyrics: “Happy Birthday, Jesus. We’re so glad it’s Christmas. All the tinsel and lights, and the presents are nice, but the real gift is you.” It still brings tears to my eyes. He is […]
Rediscovering America’s True National Heritage
As a child, I wouldn’t say I was overly interested in history as a subject. But recently, I have been very curious about the history of my nation, America. I have become increasingly convinced of the importance of knowing our roots, both good and bad. I grew up under the notion that the US was […]
A Favorite Thanksgiving Book for Children
Many of us Americans grew up hearing one side of the story of Thanksgiving in school, but I love how this book, Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving*, follows the journey that Squanto (Tisquantum) took and how he was prepared to bring two nations (the Wampanoags and the English colonists) together. I also appreciate how the […]
3 Things That Can Hinder Your Prayers
We are God’s children, and He loves to talk with us. He delights in answering prayers as a good father delights in giving his children gifts. If even earthly fathers can give good gifts to their children, how much more so a perfect Heavenly Father? But God also hates selfishness because it hurts us and […]
If You Still Want More for Your Life – Dirty Glory
A few weeks ago, Tyndale Publishers sent me a copy of Dirty Glory* by Peter Greig to review. I am definitely interested in growing in prayer, but I didn’t know if a book that tells the story of the 24/7 prayer movement throughout the world would be exactly what I was looking for. This book has rocked my […]
What the Bible Really Says About Support-Raising
I’ve been involved in some form of Christian, non-profit missions work since 1996, when I went on my first short-term trip. Since 2004, the title “missionary” has been my vocation, my livelihood. I have heard a lot of different opinions about how missionaries are meant to earn a living. Some is very helpful and Biblically […]