When is ambition okay? Can I want more and still be content? Is wanting to excel in life just pride? In this post, we’ll address all of these questions. Godly Drive (Ambition): Joseph (Genesis 37 onwards) was the 12th brother in line for the family blessing. He had no chance of sizing up to his […]
Author: Brooke
Five Reasons You Might be Discontent and When It’s Okay (Part 2)
We all know that we should have godly discontent towards ungodly things. We should feel a drive to see poverty end, to see orphans adopted, to see corruption uprooted from political systems. We should want our lives to count for something. It’s okay to want to do more and to want to be more. We were made for Eden. We were […]
When it’s Okay to Be Discontent, Driven, and Complain
Discontent. Drivenness. Complaint. These are usually negative words. And rightfully so. But sometimes these words get a bad rap, especially in Christian circles. I recently wrote a post about the advantage of living with God’s vision. A reader commented that the line between growth and contentment can be blurry. I thought it was a very insightful […]
A Necessary Book for All Families in Missions (and for the Pastors & Supporters of Those Families )
How God’s Vision for Your Life Takes You from the Defense to the Offense (and How to Get it!)
The other night, Rich (my husband) and I were watching Mission Impossible 5 (the type of movie I am reluctant to watch but once I do, I get really into and start to draw parallels from the storyline to life’s realities- much to the dismay of my husband!) Anyway, we were watching the movie and […]
Free Advent Printables! The Road to Christmas: From Eden to Pentecost.
I had been looking for some kind of advent calendar to do with my young kids that would keep the focus on Jesus during the holiday season. I also wanted them to understand how the Christmas story fits into the overall narrative of the Bible -the reason that Jesus came to earth. I couldn’t seem […]
The JOY of Christmas
“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.’” (Luke 2:10-11) This has to be one of my favorite bible […]
Christmas Gift Shopping
Yep, we’re doing it for Christmas! Watch this 30 second video! There are many options for giving and helping during the Christmas season. A great one is to give a gift that lasts to people who would truly benefit from them. It would be tough for me to fit a goat inside our house, but for […]
Grace: Is It Cheap?
During my early years in China, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s concept of discipleship and “costly grace” had a solid impact on the way I thought and ministered. His example of giving up comfort and recognition and paying the ultimate price as a “traitor” under the Hitler regime was something worth following. He lived out what it looks […]
3 Things to Do While You’re Waiting for Breakthrough
Most likely, we will all find ourselves at one point or another waiting for a breakthrough. Waiting for a promotion. Waiting for a spouse (and then waiting ON your spouse!). Waiting to have children. Waiting for a healing. Waiting for understanding. Waiting to get into more meaningful work. Waiting for a broken relationship to […]