Aren’t All Religions the Same Anyway?

I’ve heard this statement many times over the years as I’ve talked with people all around the world about their beliefs: “All religions are basically the same anyway, so just choose the one that works for you.” It feels nice and accepting and loving.  And there is some truth to it.  At their core, all […]

When Your Ideals Become Idols

As I write this post, the US is once again in division.  This time it is over how professional sports players should respond to our national anthem and our flag.  I am not here to support one side over the other.  I have my opinions as I’m sure you have yours. What I would like […]

Following the Rules, Missing Jesus

In the Bible, in the Gospel written by Luke, we find two rich men.  They are pitted against each other in chapters 18 and 19 with only the story of a blind man healed to separate the two.  I never considered them having any relation before, but now I wonder. The first rich man is […]

A Fast from Strife

Over the years, I’ve been a part of many different fasts. Going for hours, days, and even weeks without food. The motivations have been different: to know more of God, to see him bring breakthrough in various situations, to release his power in greater ways. But it was not until recently that the Holy Spirit […]

God Loves Americans Too

 I am an American.  And I am not ashamed to be an American. There was a time that I was not able to say that and truly mean it.  Americans in generations past had no problem accepting this truth, but I have.  And I believe many in the post Baby-Boomer generations may feel the same. We […]

Forty Scriptures for Lent

I didn’t grow up in a home that practiced the tradition of Lent, but I am drawn to the idea of doing something special for the 40 days leading up to Easter.  It’s so easy to let the season go by and miss the point of it all, which is Jesus. So I put together a […]

16 Ways to Save Money So that You Can Give More

I’m drawn to the minimalistic lifestyle.  We never made an intentional choice to live minimally, but our semi-nomadic lifestyle (and income level) has shaped how many possessions we currently have.  I am also very aware of becoming like my mother and storing every piece of paper from my children’s school years in boxes in the basement, […]

4 Ideas for When Your Quiet Times Get Boring

It’s amazing, isn’t it? That our times with the infinite Creator of the Universe can sometimes feel…well…boring?! I assure you that it is not God’s fault! He is the most interesting Being ever, so why does it happen?  And how can we avoid it? It happens because we get stuck in a rut.  Or it […]

Stop Trying So Hard to Be Good

Maybe my new year’s resolution should be this: stop trying to so hard. I’ve always leaned towards over-achievement.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I really like doing things well.  I used to be fairly good at it until I had kids! LOL! But I still like it. I was always very intrinsically motivated […]